(979) 968-3155

Young at Heart Group to Meet in Winchester

  • Young at Heart Group to Meet in Winchester
    Young at Heart Group to Meet in Winchester

Meetings of Young at Heart are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. at Zilss Hall. Dominoes and cards are played. Please bring a dish to share for a light snack during the afternoon.

CCA Casino Nite

The 17th Annual Casino Nite for Combined Community Action, Inc. will be held June 10 at St. Michael’s Park Pavilion at 310 Frio St. in Winchester. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Gaming will start at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 and will include dinner, drinks, and 10,000 gaming tokens. The top prize will be $1,000 Southwest Airlines Gift Card. Prizes and a silent auction will also be available. The night is BYOB. You can obtain tickets online at www.ccaction.com.

Winchester Book Club

The June book will be “The Night Watchman” by Louise Erdrich and will be discussed on June 21 at 7 p.m. at Zilss Hall. Everyone is welcome. This will be the last meeting until September.

Recycling Trailer

The Winchester recycling trailer is located on the side of Zilss Hall on Memorial Hall Street. Please place your recycling in the appropriate bins. We would appreciate that you make sure that you close the bins so that any trash will remain in the bins and not blow.

Barn Board Quilt Trail

Drive to Winchester, pick up a map at Murphy’s or Zilss Hall and enjoy viewing the 65 quilt blocks displayed in our area. The trail is self-drive, available at your convenience, and is a great way to spend an afternoon viewing quilt blocks on fences, gates, barns, and houses that can be seen from the road. Winchester Barn Board Quilt Trail maps can be picked up at the Texas Quilt Museum, Casino Hall, the Wendish Museum, quilt stores, and other businesses in Giddings, Smithville, and La Grange.

Zilss Community Hall

Anyone wishing to rent Zilss Hall should contact (512) 434-0292. The hall is following COVID-19 requirements. Rent is very reasonable.

The Little Free Library

The library is always open and has a variety of authors. Space is limited, so please, if you donate a book(s), look through the current selection and take as many as you leave. The Little Free Library is housed under the roof of the patio at Zilss Hall. There is also a bulletin board available on the patio. If you have an event, you would like to advertise, please post.


Sending birthday greetings to Weston Miertschin and Betsy Anderson-June 7; Jake Franke-9; Dustin Miertschin-11; J. W. Breeden-12; and Sam Gibbs-13.


Anniversary congratulations are sent to Belinda and Daniel Bamsch-June 7.

First United Methodist

The Winchester First United Methodist Church has services on the first and third Sunday of the month at 8:30 a.m. The Rev. Patricia Zaiontz-Newcomer is the pastor.

Shiloh Baptist Church

The Shiloh Baptist Church is located on FM 153 at North Raymond Road. For more information, contact Rev. Paul Whitmill at (512) 629-1428.

St. Michael’s Lutheran Church

The weekly worship service takes place at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning in the sanctuary. Following the worship service, you may gather in the Education Building for Bible Study and Sunday School beginning at 10:15 a.m. You are welcome to visit for Worship and Bible Study.

In Our Prayers

Don Buck, Marian Fritsche, Sam Gibbs, Evelyn Haschke, Bea Kilian, Mary Lehmann, Rose Lehmann, Ramona Lopez, Henry Pearson, JoAnn Schneider and Layne Schramm.

Calendar of Coming Events

June 14-Winchester Volunteer Fire Department meeting at 7 p.m. at the Fire Station.

June 15-Neighbors Night Out at 6:30 p.m. at Zilss Hall.

Have News?

If anyone has news to share, call Rhoda Gersch at (979) 242-3213 or email rmgersch@yahoo.com.