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Wild Hogs Creating Issues In Muldoon

  • Wild Hogs Creating Issues In Muldoon
    Wild Hogs Creating Issues In Muldoon

The hogs are back with a vengeance. A number of them have been hit on the roadways. These are big hogs and can do lots of expensive damage. Be aware, especially at night and early mornings of black hogs crossing. They are hard to see and everyone has to be on the constant look out.


On Monday, May 25, Muldoon got rain. It was a welcomed sight to see the rain showers come through and bring over 2.2 inches of rain. The showers were spaced out perfectly so the moisture could soak in and not run off. The grass and flowers have brightened up and the trees were washed of a lot of the pollen covered tassels.

This was the first good rain in a long time and has already helped bring on the spring grasses. The winds had dried the ground and there were lots of cracks in the pastures. The rain really helped heal the ground cracks; it also cooled the temperatures down and making the days very pleasant.

The rain has helped wash the heavy pollen count out of the air. The pollen has had a number of people in the area down with seasonal allergies.

Out and About

Jennifer and Clay Rightmer were thrilled to have Jennifer’s brother and sister in law, Wade and Karen Howard from Canada. The really exciting visitor was Jennifer’s two-year-old niece, Georgia. This was the first time the family had a chance to meet Georgia. Coming in see the Howards while they were in Muldoon were Lane Rightmer who came in from Waco and Georgia’s other aunt, Julie Zavala from Georgetown. It was a wonderful few days as they got to know little Georgia and visit with Wade and Karen.

Kathy Chlumsky traveled over to Lake Charles, Louisiana to visit her parents, Kenneth and Nelda Lamb. They enjoyed a few days of visiting and Kathy took advantage of being in Louisiana to enjoy some wonderful Cajun food.

Ron and Pam Knotts took advantage recently of the good weather to do a few things they had talked about for several years. Early in the month they attended the Fayette County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo in La Grange. Then they took off on a road trip to New Braunfels to check out the onion rings at Clear Springs Restaurant they had been hearing about and decided that they were very good. Then on Easter Saturday they attended a big family picnic near Cat Springs hosted by a friend that Ron had worked with for many years. Finally, their 40th wedding anniversary was on April 23. They spent the day checking out ideas for future anniversary trips.

Neighborhood Watch

There are lots of strange vehicles out and about in the area with all the solar farms going in. Now is the time to keep alert to any odd activity at your neighbors’ place. If you see something out of place, a gate open or a strange car lurking about, take note and call that neighbor. Stop by and check on your

Stop by and check on your neighbor if you can. A phone call can go a long ways in preventing trouble. We all have to pull together to keep Muldoon a safe area.

Have News?

If you have news for the columnist, you may email Joan at muldoonaggie@yahoo.com.