(979) 968-3155

Holy Cross Worship Services Still on Hold

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Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic cancelations continue. There are no services planned at Holy Cross Lutheran Church until further notice. Pastor Beck is planning to upload abbreviated services, devotions and other materials to Holy Cross Facebook and You Tube pages. You can find them on Facebook at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, You Tube at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Warda, Tx; and online at www.holycrosswarda.com. Check these services often as things may change. The church phone number is (979) 242-3333.

Confirmation Reunion

The Confirmation Reunion set for Sunday, June 7 has been postponed at Holy Cross.

Jr. Confirmation

Due to the uncertainty of worship plans for the next couple of weeks, Jr. Confirmation has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 31.

VBS Scheduled

Vacation Bible School has been scheduled for June 8-10 from 5:30-8 p.m. each evening at Holy Cross. Come learn what it means to be “Built By God.” Watch for registration and more information. If willing to help, please contact Chelsea Beck or Sherrie Halpain.

Faith Lutheran High

The FLHS Campus remains closed until further notice.

Registration for the 20-21 school year continues and the school is looking forward to add more students to the family. Are you looking for a Christcentered education, a rigorous college prep curriculum, a small class size? Schedule a shadow day to check out FLHS. You can receive registration materials by calling (979) 242-2889 or visiting the website at www.faithlutheranhighschool.com.

Golf Tournament

The Fifth Annual Golf Tournament is scheduled for May 30 at Pine Forest Golf Club in Bastrop with a shotgun start a 8 a.m. Call the school at (979) 242-2889 or visit the website at www.faithlutheranhighschool. com.

Lutheran World Relief

The annual Lutheran World Relief collections of quilts and health kits has been postponed until November. The Ladies Aid will be collecting for health kits later in September and October.

The sewing circle, which usually meets on Thursday mornings, will continue making quilts when it is deemed safe to do so. All items that have been collected will be kept until November. Watch for the church Facebook page and e-mail for further information.

AMEN Food Pantry

As the COVID-19 virus continues Holy Cross Lutheran Church continues to be a drop off point for the AMEN food pantry in La Grange. As always, you can bring non- perishable food items and place them in the AMEN basket in the hallway that is designated for AMEN. There is always a need for dry boxed staples, canned meats, veggies and soups. Be sure and check the expiration date.

Aluminum Cans

Aluminum cans continue to be collected by Trail Life 143 of Giddings. Cans may be brought to the Holy Cross Picnic Grounds at your convenience and placed in the huge wire bin.

Recycle Trailer

The recycling trailer has been moved from Warda for the time being as the virus crisis continues.

Prayer Request

Currently on the prayer list are Brenda Woelfel, Amy Wagner, Jorge Thomas, Darrell Schubert, Dr. Otto Kunze, Joyce Kingsbery, Nancy I. Pietsch, Nancy M. Pietsch, Al Jurk, Curtis Davis, Dee Tegtmeier, Gladys Giese, William Jurk, Christine and Edward Buscha, Larry Pietsch, Hulda Graf, Larry Kasper, Jim and Betty Duke, Freddie Zoch, Helen Kaiser, Curtis and Alvina Moerbe, Lawrince Heinrich, Kenneth Moore, Wally Lehmann, Evelyn Kasper and Bernell Teinert.

The following are relatives or friends of Holy Cross Members, Frank and Reedy Schwartz, premature twins, John Gallup, Jana Tindle, Wesley Cervenka, Robert Yurk, Audrey Huenefeld, Robert Boyce, Kenny Lorenz, Carolyn Major, Kenny Frank, Tim Meservey, Joyce Bise, ,Harold Krause, Arthur Urban, April Martin, Patrick Dube, John Kaiser, Jimmy Sladek, Margaret Roscher, Sandra Behrens, Jo Anne Gains. Bernice Guettler, Delores Wright, Jessica Dunk.

Serving in the Military

Currently serving in the military is Ingrid Devi -Kayne, Navy, Kirk Peschke, Coy Hunt-Army and Ty Bounds-Marines.


Upcoming area birthday observants for May include: Christopher Kovar-May 9; Shea Kasper, Judy Zoch, Evelyn Williams-12; Doug Lehmann, Andrew Davis-13; Pastor Dennis Tegtmeier-15.


Some stormy weather did occur on April 29 with 1.10 inches of rain recorded at the Giese residence. High winds caused a lot smaller tree limbs and a large one in the back yard. A total of 5.05 inches was recorded for April.

Have News?

If you have any news to share, call (979) 242-3362 or at email ggiese@cvctx.com.

Anytime during the week