(979) 968-3155

Bible Group to Begin New Study in 2023


  • Bible Group to Begin New Study in 2023
    Bible Group to Begin New Study in 2023

Wednesday Night Bible Study

The Wednesday Night Bible Study Group will begin a new study starting Jan. 4. This will be an 11-week course that will take you through the entire Old Testament book of Judges. You are invited to come and learn more about the faithfulness of God, despite the forgetfulness of His people. You will learn from some of the more well-known judges, like Deborah, Gideon and Samson, as well as some you may not be as familiar with, such as Othniel, Ehud and Jephthah. There is no cost to join. Contact Cyndy Zoch at cyndy. zoch@gmail.com for more information.


Sympathies to Scott and Sherry Schramm and family on the death of Sherry’s grandfather, Herbert Roeber, on Dec. 18.

Sympathies to David and Linda Lehmann on the death of Linda’s cousin, Shirley (Hannes) Clampit on Dec. 21.

Holy Cross Services

Services at Holy Cross Lutheran are Sunday at 9 a.m. Bible Class and Sunday school follows the morning service. New Year’s Eve Worship is Saturday, Dec. 31 at 7 p.m.

Sermon links/streaming videos and additional information is on the website at: www.holycrosswarda. com.

Faith Lutheran High School

Any new student who registers for Faith Lutheran High School prior to Friday, March 10, 2023, will only pay $100 in registration fees. Register early to take advantage of this savings. You can receive materials by calling the office at (979) 242-2889 or visit their website at: www.flhstx.org.

The Faith Lutheran High School Spring Raffle is just around the corner. The Board of Directors is currently looking for valuable items or monetary donations to be used in the raffle. Please contact Nikki Kueck at (979) 242-2889 if you would like to donate something.

FLHS currently has 16 students for the 2022-23 school year. If you have an 8th grader and would like to schedule a visit contact Mrs. Nikki Kueck at (979) 242-2889 or visit their website at: www.flhstx.org.

Everyone is invited to join in the weekly Chapel Worship Service every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.

Prayer Requests

Linda Hobratschk, Elaine Kieschnick, Carol Jurk, Jane Chapman, Layne Schramm, Edward and Christine Buscha, Mark Landry, Ann Marie Heinrich, Emma and Rachel Soenksen, Theresa Krause.

Special prayers for those serving in the military: Kirk Peschke, Ryan Zoch, Clayton Knight, Andrew Bamsch-Navy and Coy Hunt-Army.

Have News?

If you have news items to share with readers of the Warda news including visits from your friends and family, contact Lisa Gay at (979) 218-6000 or Wardanews78960@ gmail.com.