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‘Forrest Gump’ Type Stops Here

A man exploring the country on foot stopped for a rest in Schulenburg last Saturday. His visit may have gone unnoticed were it not for a brief mention in a report from the Schulenburg Police Department. The report said Officer M.D. Krenek took a call around 6 a.m. about a stranger sitting on private property under a tree near the 1500 block of S. Kessler Ave.

“I arrived and met with the subject who told me he was a ‘Forrest Gump’ type of guy and was running around through the country,” Krenek wrote in the report.

Krenek noted that the man “was not intoxicated or anything, just exploring.” Krenek told the traveler that he was sitting on someone’s private property, and that person was scared and concerned.

The report said the traveler apologized to the person who called police and then left, “running south on Kessler Ave.”